KCDWomen at the 2022 Truman Dinner

The Mission of the Kane County Democratic Women

The mission of Kane County Democratic Women of Illinois is to harness the political power of Democratic women to create positive social change through engagement, education, and empowerment.

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Kane County Democratic Women Group Photo

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Group of wooden cutout voters

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Women Voting

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Change the face of politics, elect more women.

Recent News

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2024 IDCCA Annual Chairs' Brunch

In The Hands of “We the People”

On August 13-14, some members of KCDW attended the Illinois Democratic Brunch sponsored by the Illinois Democratic County Chairs Association. Mark Guethle, Chair of the Kane County Democratic Party is …

Wells webgraphic

Summer Salute to Ida B. Wells

Our Summer Salute to Ida B. Wells is our featured story this month celebrating women past and present. The passage of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920 granted all American women …

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KCDW Summer Forum: Immigration 101 Recap

byline: Editorial Writer Linda WilletThe Kane County Democratic Women conducts forums several times a year to bring the community together to discuss current issues and ask questions from people who …